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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
CORAL blue 32
CORDON blue +oval 9
D.S.P. blue 5
DAILY blue +sun 3, 25
DEEP blue 24, 25
DEEP SEA aqua blue 3
DEEPAK liquid blue +woman 3
DHARA blue detergent cake 3
DHARA liquid blue +oval 3
ELECTRIC blue 100 25
EXEL blue power cake 3
EXOD blue jeans 25
GANGA supreme liquid blue 3
GEMINI super liquid blue 3
GOBURAM blue +buliding 3
GOODLIGHT liquid blue +drop 3
HANS blue +bird 3
HAZARI blue detergent +glob 3
ICONIC blue 33
JADE blue 25
JANSI blue detergent +woman 3
JC JVALA liquid blue 3
JORDAN blue 33
JOYS liquid blue 3
KALRZ so blue 3
KANHAIYA ultramarine blue 3
KELLEY blue book 9, 16, 35
KELLEY blue book +cogwheel 9, 16, 35
KHODAYS blue chip london gi 33
KHODAYSS blue SEAL xxx rum 33
KING blue +crown 3
KOALA blue 33
KRISHNA real blue +bird 3
KWALITY blue +hand & circle 3
LAVAZZA blue 11, 30
LAVENDER blue 19
LILY liquid blue 3
LION brand blue +lion 3
LIQUID blue +wreath 25
LUXAR blue +bird 3
MARUTI blue +elephant 3
MASTER'S blue +hat 33
MAX blue deutsche bank 16
MAYUR blue powder +peacock 3
MEGA LIGHT liquid blue 3
MICRO blue detergent +lemon 3
MINI blue 7
MINT-O COOL blue 29, 30
MISRY supreme liquid blue 3
MOHINI liquid blue +drops 3
MONA perfumed liquid blue 3
MONKEY blue +monkey 2
MOON LIGHT liquid blue 7
MORE LIGHT liquid blue +sun 3
MORE light liquid blue 3
MOTI liquid blue +drop 3
MUCH LIGHT liquid blue 3
N.K.'S blue heaven 3
NBC new blue coats +shield 16
NELCO blue diamond 9
NEW ROYAL'S liquid blue 3
NEWVATAN blue detergent 3
NICE blue detergent +bird 3
NIGHTINGALE blue & silver 16
NIRALA liquid blue +drops 3
NIRMA liquid blue 3
NO.1 SUNNY liquid blue 3
O blue circle +circle 29, 30, 31, 35
O.O.B blue gold +feather 3
OOB extra blue +sun 3
PACIFIC blue 19, 25, 32
PALMAZ blue 10
PASIFIQ blue 25
PAYAL liquid blue +girl 3
PEACOCK blue +peacock 3
PEPSI blue +circle 32
PILOT liquid blue +spark 3
PINK AND blue spunky +frog 25
PLUS liquid blue +drops 3
POOJA liquid blue +girl 3
PRASEN'S UJJAL liquid blue 3
PRATIK liquid blue +drops 3
PREETI popular blue washing 3
QUEEN blue +queen 3
QUEEN blue +woman 3
R.S. INDUSTRIES RS blue sta 11
RABBIT blue 3
RABBIT blue +rabbit 3
RABIN-blue 3
RASI blue +peacock 3
RECRON swarang eco blue 10, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
RIO liquid blue +cartoons 3
ROBIN blue +bird in circle 1
ROYAL liquid blue +drop 3
RUBIA power blue +bird 3
RUBY liquid blue 3
RUCHI blue +coin & fish 3
S.P. blue topp 3
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